Energy and Environment

Promoting Sustainable and Inclusive Growth by Enterprise Creation through S&T Based Innovative Solutions (Sub-Sectors: Foundry Waste)

What is the Project About

About Project: The project aims at addressing the problem of solid waste disposal by promoting an innovative technology of utilizing solid waste generated in foundry enterprises, known as slag, for making paving blocks and creation of new enterprises based on this innovative technique.
1. Promotion of the innovative technique of using solid waste generated in foundry enterprises for making paving blocks among the targeted stakeholders through sensitization workshops & meetings
2. Provision of technical assistance to 40 entrepreneurs for establishing 40 new paving block production enterprises by adopting the innovative technology.
3. Assisting 10 existing paving block producing enterprises in upgrading their existing production process for enabling them to utilize foundry slag as a raw material, in order to Address the problem of disposal of solid waste (slag) generated in foundry units

Project Overview
Project Start Date:
Project End Date:
Cluster Covered:
Pan India
Ministry of Science & Technology, Dept of Science & Technology (National S & T Entrepreneurship Development Board), GoI

Development Alternatives